Groovy date parse timezone. au/bjemyhb/zefyr-flutter-to-html.

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Groovy date parse timezone. parse ("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'", "2001-01-01T00:00:00Z") Jan 16, 2014 · 4. ofPattern(format Aug 2, 2018 · I'm trying to parse a date time object in Groovy running on Java 7 with strict/exact parsing. substring(0,10 Aug 10, 2017 · def yourDate= new GregorianCalendar( 2010, Calendar. @marko Use static parse method as Date. By this logic, I am getting date in this format Tue Jun 08 00:00:00 IST 2021 but I want output in this format 2021-06-08T00:00:00 (with specific timezone) What should I change in the current implementation to get desired output? Nov 20, 2017 · I have a timestamp string as follows: String build_time=2017-11-20T21:27:03Z I want to convert it into epoch time in milliseconds as per the PST time zone such that my result is: long build_time Convert Java Date to specific time zone according to stored time zone in groovy. 1. Sometimes we will have the date-time Feb 4, 2015 · The problem is that you set the formatter to parse/format for Locale. LocalDateTime instead. // This will create a date object with the current time def date = new Date() // To create the object with a specific date/time, follow this logic def date = new Date(). A date-time object can parse a string, and can generate a string, but is not itself a string. * @param timeZone. TimeZone. These classes supplant the troublesome old legacy date-time classes such as java. from. parse( original ) ) // Check it's what we wanted. (d) Avoid default time zone. previous () Returns a LocalDateTime that is one second before this date/time. parse("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssX", dateString) It will produce two different result: Mar 29, 2016 · 6. If you use more symbols than there are digits, it will be formatted appropriately: d is day in month, 1-31. The day-month-year value of the returned date is today and the time is truncated to Nov 9, 2011 · With Groovy 1. I've tried using SimpleDateFormat with setLenient set to false but it is still too lenient, e. It is a bit unclear what you are looking for. toTimestamp (): def ts = Date. toEpochMilli() - HOUR) answered Oct 14, 2021 at 18:30. If "CEST" is different for different cultures, you will have to change it by listing all the options (maybe in a case statement). @NonCPS annotation is useful when you have methods which use objects that aren’t serializable. format( inFormat. The legacy date classes have the concept of a TimeZone, predominantly used by the Calendar class. Returns the Time Zone offset of the Calendar as a ZoneOffset. That’s it, you now have a Date object initialized to the current time. println new Date(). LocalDateTime import java. 123Z". take(17)). If there is a colon in the TimeZone, you'll need Java 7 Feb 5, 2010 · Since Java 12, Instant#parse can parse a date-time string containing time-zone offset. Groovy date parse issue. Date dt = Date. LocalDateTime. The format of the string must have the pattern "EEE MMM dd HH:mm:ss zzz yyyy" with the US Locale. Support creating a new Date having similar properties to an existing Date (which remains unaltered) but with some fields updated according to a Map of changes. SSS. I am trying to get today's date however. . For plaintext input, specify a list of formats. from(Instant. Parameters: self - a Date Returns: a ZoneOffset Since: 2. plus (long seconds) Returns a ZonedDateTime that is seconds seconds after this date/time. In the first, we use a new valueOf (LocalDate date) method provided in java. DateTimeExtensions. As @tim_yates points out, Groovy provides the The day-month-year value of the returned calendar is today, the time is truncated to milliseconds, and the time zone is the current system default. Sat for Saturdays). Note that a new DateFormat instance is created for every invocation of this method (for thread safety). def creatorTimeZone = issue. parse("yyyyMMdd-HH:mm: Groovy Date & TimeZone formatting. Date. Joda-Time. Nov 13, 2012 · I have some date values that I wish to convert to a Unix timestamp. parsing value 2018-8-2 with format yyyy-MM-dd still succeeds (and returns the wrong date). Those classes are poorly designed and long outdated, the former in particular notoriously troublesome. In Groovy, date operations are very easy. Date If I do Aug 3, 2022 · We will use SimpleDateFormat class to format the Date in a specific format and we will set its timezone to print the date in a specific timezone. Feb 3, 2017 · To convert Unix time Timestamp to Java Date: def timestamp = 1486146877214 // milliseconds. Nov 20, 2013 · (c) Avoid the use of 3-letter time zone abbreviations. To convert a date string into a date object (so you can perform date arithmetic, get year, month, date values separately), do the following: def nowString = "2017-Oct-26 11:45:23 PM" def nowDate = Date. def pattern2 = "yyyy-MM-dd java. String input = "2021-10-22T21:43:00-05:00" ; OffsetDateTime odt = OffsetDateTime. groovy. My code is like below. So I looked elsewhere in the API response and found the timezone of the person who created the issue. Date has the time as well, just add HH:mm:ss to the date format: import java. getTimeZone("EST5EDT")) Which will output this: Wednesday, December 28, 2016, 12:00 AM (EST) Let’s show another Parsing Dates. SimpleDateFormat. 3. Suppose we want to show time (hours, minutes and seconds) delimited with a colon: String timeColonPattern = "HH:mm:ss" ; DateTimeFormatter timeColonFormatter = DateTimeFormatter. text(). parse("E MMM dd H:m:s z yyyy", testDate) for it to work. def input = "2019-02-28T02:54:32. Parameters: self - a Calendar Returns: a ZoneOffset Since: 2. Parse date to "yyyy-MM-dd'T'00:00:00" using Groovy. * class MyClass { Date now = new Date() } def generator = new JsonGenerator. parse(source, DateTimeFormatter. public final class DateTimeExtensionsextends Object. Parsing a Date Time with ZonedDateTime. Wed is for wednesday which is english, not german. def date = new Date( timestamp ). Aug 11, 2010 · The first argument to parse () is the expected format. extensions. Jan 3, 2014 · If you need to parse a string like "12-01-2014", you need: new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MM-yyyy"); Tested Groovy script: import java. now() ; The java. ENGLISH); String dateInString = "7-Jun-2013" ; Date date = formatter. Nov 8, 2012 · outFormat. com, etc. findAll { Date currentDate = Date. numberAwareCompareTo(other)} It is giving me. minus(timeStop, timeStart) println duration. // application on numbers: println 1. toString() // EN/US date format. println 10. Sep 14, 2020 · In recent versions of Groovy the Date extension methods have been moved to their own library, which you will have to add to your project. About java. parse ( CharSequence text, String pattern) Parse text into an OffsetDateTime using the provided pattern. ParseException. And you can easily parse. You can also initialize the date when creating the object by passing in the year, month, and day as arguments. Then you can put the statements together, which is why Oct 20, 2011 · Since Groovy 1. Sep 12, 2020 · If you want to include the calculation of that later date: // This will leave you with a DateTime with just the Date info, 14 days into the future Date laterDate = new Date(). parse(input) // everything above here is from your original question. For each date that needs to be converted, add a Custom Scripting function to the map with the above scripting component. Hot Network Questions OffsetDateTime. ZonedDateTime. Date but your own class demo. See this code run at Ideone. def dt = LocalDateTime. Final code: def dateCreated = issue. ENGLISH. String to Date. 3 we can use an extra TimeZone parameter with the format() method of the Date class. parse("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'", dateString) println Date. Instant instant = Instant. Oct 11, 2023 · 0. public class TimeCategory extends Object. ChronoUnit String source = "2018-15-05-23. This was done to be consistent with the existing parse methods of the Date/Time API. (e) Search StackOverflow for 'joda' for lots of code snippets and examples. Please note that the code assumes the input date and time is in Jan 1, 2017 · You need to consider supporting timezone offset in dates you are parsing. g. OCTOBER, 1 ) SimpleDateFormat date=new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-mm-dd"); def d=date. – To convert the input date and time to UTC, the code first parses the input using the specified input format. These new methods spare you from explicitly Figure 1. With Java 8 LocalDate manipulation being as simple as: LocalDate. edited Mar 9, 2021 at 11:20. time framework is built into Java 8 and later. currentTimeMillis()-91*60*1000) which will minus 91 minutes (91min * 60sec * 1000ms). 30. toString() assert 'Fri Feb 03 13:34:37 EST 2017' == date. def date = new Date() def sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss") println sdf. parse(data, "dd-MM-yyyy") May 3, 2010 · Please be aware that this can cause a miscalculation when entering daylight saving time(DST)/summer time. String dateToString) throws java. * def date = new Date. dateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssXXX May 11, 2018 · I have a date string stored in DB, as shown below 20180502160645 I want to parse it in this format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ Tried: SimpleDateFormat dateParser = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-d Feb 9, 2019 · Date. Use java. Object. Since the time will skip an hour, it will calculate 0 days and 23 hours when you expect 1 day difference. They are stored as UTC in the format: 2012-11-13 14:00:00:000. See documentation for SimpleDateFormat for format pattern use. If you specifically need to work with the dates as supplied as string above. hours. def date = new SimpleDateFormat(pattern). time) classes inside the Groovy environment. It can't guess what you are trying to parse :-) Jul 7, 2020 · Jenkins pipeline date helper functions. LocalDate String data = "12-05-2020" LocalDate teste = LocalDate. Parsing and formating date from a different timezone. setTimeZone (TimeZone. To learn more, see the Oracle Tutorial. How to specifically format date/time in Groovy. 5' If using Maven: Dec 14, 2022 · 1. net or EpochConverter. collect { (date + it. The Output Mask needs to be setup to use Boomi’s internal date format, which is yyyyMMdd HHmmss. parse(yourDate); is there any function in groovy which can give me milliseconds? @RobertFraser They didn't deprecated Date. clearTime(). To solve the problem, just replace Locale. 5. Note that these parse methods have a different argument ordering than the static parse method Groovy added to java. 0; public Date toDate() Returns a generally equivalent instance of Date. I used this to format the date properly. minute. apache. metaClass. Name and parameters. GERMAN but gave it "Wed, 04 Feb 2015 10:12:34 UTC" to parse. The Date. parse ( CharSequence text, String pattern) Parse text into a LocalDateTime using the provided pattern. format("yyyy-MM-dd HH. After parsing the date, we are converting the timestamp to our local timezone. This class provides the main application entry point for printing and parsing and provides common implementations of DateTimeFormatter : Using predefined constants, such as ISO_LOCAL_DATE. parse("yyyy-MM-dd",it. Do note that the + (or plus) operator already works with regular integers, but the default is then to add one day. Create timestamps and/or confirm dates at TimestampConvert. It then converts the local date and time to the UTC timezone using the atZone method. ofPattern("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss. org. format('MM/dd/yy') would return the string "01/01/70". /**. For example, if you are using Gradle as your build tool, you may want something like this: compile group: 'org. public static ZoneOffset getZoneOffset(Date self) Returns the Time Zone offset of the Date as a ZoneOffset, which will typically be system's default offset. GERMAN by Locale. def someDate = new Date() println someDate - 3. Date parseToStringDate (java. format( 'yyyyMMdd' ) Output: 20150702. Date. timeZone. previous () Returns an OffsetDateTime one second before this date/time. ZoneId import java. 59. OffsetDateTime. Calculate if date is greater than 14 days. Format the time stamp with a new TimeZone; With java. Date date = Date. It allows for formatting (date → text), parsing (text → date), and normalization. import java. json package. 7 of Groovy. Mar 8, 2019 · Keep in mind that date-time objects do not have a “format”, only a textual representation of a date-time object’s value has a format. parse("dd-MM-yyyy", s); delegate. D is day in year, 1-365 (or 366). Jun 30, 2020 · 4. 0 Oct 1, 2010 · use (groovy. Figure 2. parse( input ) ; Oct 8, 2019 · To clarify, the Date. String result = outFormat. I want to parse String to Date using Groovy. json. The java. parse(dateInString); Copy. Some example code in Joda-Time 2. 2. previous () Returns a ZonedDateTime that is one second before this date/time. compareTo = {String s -> Date other = Date. The standard formats are used in both Joda-Time May 18, 2018 · 2. LocalDate. parse("14-01-2014") println date // prints "Tue Jan 14 00:00:00 CST 2014". getTimeZone( 'GMT' ) // Then parse the original String, and format the resultant. months). parse ( CharSequence text, String pattern) Parse text into a ZonedDateTime using the provided pattern. def format = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MM-yyyy") def date = format. java. *. def date = new Date(2023, 1, 15) Jul 23, 2014 · TimeDuration duration = TimeCategory. If you use d and it is the 7th, the result will be 7; dd and day is 7, result will be 07. ss. Groovy has lots of functions extended from JDK Date API, this allows us to use date related operations in an easier way. assert result == '2012-11-08T23:00:00Z'. Date, Calendar, & SimpleDateFormat. n' LocalDateTime dateTime = LocalDateTime. User Defined Map Function. For storage, use epoch time. TimeCategory) {. Formatter for printing and parsing date-time objects. ago. months. If you use D and it is the 9th day of Apr 18, 2018 · You can read it as a LocalDateTime, then move it to being the same time in the Chicago Timezone: import java. parse("EEE MMM d HH:mm:ss z yyyy", "Fri Aug 28 11:12:11 +0000 2015") But I get errors like below: Unparseable date: "Fri Aug 28 11:12:11 +0000 2015". plusDays(2) I'm not sure what TimeCategory would gain you? You can hack it in to the metaClass of LocalDate and LocalDatTime quite simply: import groovy. time. // 2018-12-21T10:20:00. Dec 28, 2018 · The original string uses -0800, which is an offset, not a timezone. time, the modern Java date and time API. Yes, convert to the desired time zone as shown and format as shown. You have to specify the format of the string you are parsing into a Date object: Date date1 = Date. The class comes with a bunch of overloaded parse Feb 10, 2016 · Somehow you don't use java. Jan 17, 2013 · Not knowing Grrovy for new readers to this question I strongly recommend you don’t use SimpleDateFormat and Date. May 30, 2018 · Groovy adds convenience parsemethods to the Java 8 Date/Time types that accept two String arguments: the value to parse and the format the of the value. Returns: a java. Jul 29, 2015 · In short, the Integer class is enriched in the use block, providing it with extra methods that make date manipulation very convenient. 0. For example, if the system timezone is GMT, new Date(0). I am parsing it using this snippet (in groovy): def newdate = new Date(). 5, using Java syntax rather than Groovy. text. The issue in EPM is that we either directly access the month and year values from the Scenario start end end period objects or save them in the substitution variables but not as Date Dec 19, 2019 · The date/time formatting is used in map functions and properties as well. Options() . 483-0800. Create a String representation of this date according to the given format pattern and timezone. parse (dateString)} // SimpleDateFormat経由でDateを作成した場合、すでに時刻が正しく計算されてDateオブジェクトが生成される。 Oct 26, 2016 · There are a bunch of ways to get time depending on what APIs you find most intuitive: new Date() has since been added to the script-security-plugin whitelist RunWrapper APIs through use of currentBuild global variable Mar 29, 2019 · If your default time zone is America/Montreal or America/New_York, you will get the time at offset -04:00 as long as summer time (Daylight Saving Time) is in effect, then -05:00. Nov 24, 2018 · It can be created by getting the current date and time or setting the date and time from a string or concatenation of variables. For example we get the string value of a Date from an external source and want to parse it to a Date object. DateTimeFormatter import java. parse() static method parses a string representation of a date, and returns the date's timestamp. now. groovy. String cannot be cast to java. Jul 28, 2015 · 34. The Date Format function will have the Input Mask default to MMddyyyy. 0 1) I see you are using CultureInfo, so if you just want to format the date and time to be culture specific, I would separate the date/time and timezone, apply culture method on the date/time and append the timezone. Jan 1, 2017 · For this, I tried to extend Date class to have a compareTo method to String, like: Date. Check following script run with current timezone set to Europe/Warsaw: println Date. time package So you can do the following in it's place: import java. These extensions require JDK 8 or above. Jan 8, 2024 · It’s quite simple to use DateTimeFormatter to format a java. Class SimpleDateFormat. 0; public Date toDate() Returns an equivalent instance of Date. Read note of deprecation in Joda-Time doc for TimeZone class. Try this, first the format of them is a bit odd, in particular the +01:00, which is the timezone, I would expect it to be +0100 for format to work. datetime. final Long HOUR = 60 * 60 * 1000 // milliseconds in an hour. But I cannot parse to following java. 000000" DateTimeFormatter format = DateTimeFormatter. The classes dedicated to JSON serialisation and parsing are found in the groovy. 4. Warmup Sep 21, 2020 · Date time in Groovy. Date self, java. parse(your-date-time-string)); Parse your ISO 8601 formatted date-time strings using Instant#parse and convert the result into java. * @param date. Jan 8, 2024 · We’ll discuss two possible ways of converting LocalDate to Date. import groovy. Your input string complies with the ISO 8601 standard format used by default in the java. Set the desired timezone in the default value for targetTimezone, for example "Europe/London" or "America/New_York". parse because they wanted you to use something else, they wanted to deprecate this way of thinking all together. Such a string is generated by the toString method of Date. Say what you mean. SSS'Z'". May 15, 2018 · If you want to play with microseconds, use java. If your goal is very simple, you can just manipulate the underlying millisecond value. getTimeZone ('GMT') println d. Jan 20, 2023 · parse_iso. parse as first parameter. format("MMM/yyyy") } How would I change the output of this script to the format I specified above? Apparently you want to generate a String in standard ISO 8601 format representing a date-time value in UTC time zone. 0. Using localized styles, such as long or medium. Version 2. Converting String to Local or Preferred Timezone. Another solution would be a parameter for the locale. public static java. sql. Date newDateObj = new Date() println (newDateObj) // Wed Jan 18 10:12:11 UTC 2023. of("America/Chicago Oct 6, 2011 · Other date-time classes have a similar method, sometimes called atZoneSameInstant or other names. TimeCategory) Date date = Date. parse("dd-MMM-yyyy", "15-Mar-2011") def months = (0. SSSSS Z") Then, you can do calculations on the date, like this: new Date(System. parse("yyyyMMddHHmmssSSS", "201805041235040000000". Finally, the code formats the UTC date and time according to the desired output format. format ('dd/MMM/yyyy', tz) would return the string "01/Jan/1970". I am trying to get today's date in format of yyyyMMdd in groovy language. time converting to a new time zone and formatting are two distinct steps as shown. The time portion of the returned date is cleared. toInstant(). Let’s have a look at how can we use Groovy date extension. SimpleDateFormat allows you to start by choosing any user-defined patterns for date-time formatting. The result variable uses the collect method to iterate over each element of the json array, format the StartDate and current timestamp, and create a new array with the desired elements. Calendar Since: 2. n") ZoneId chicago = ZoneId. The time zone of your computer can change intentionally or not. * Utility function to convert java Date to TimeZone format. So no need to define a formatting pattern. parse('dd-MMM-yyyy', '07-OCT-2018') You say you don't care about the format, but you have to know what format myDateString is in, and pass that format to Date. Other formats are implementation-defined and may not work across all browsers. This is how you can calculate days between two dates in Jenkins pipeline. Simply pass the string to the DateTime constructor: DateTime dateTime = new DateTime( "2010-03-01T00:00:00-08:00" );. plus (long seconds) Returns a LocalDateTime that is seconds seconds after this date/time. Parse a String matching the pattern EEE MMM dd HH:mm:ss zzz yyyy containing US-locale-constants only (e. startDate. Hot Network Questions Dec 15, 2015 · Date createDateAsUTC (String dateString){SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat ("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss") sdf. 1 introduced a variant accepting a third parameter indicating a timezone: Date. parse() accepts one String argument but you are trying to pass 2 – Zephyr. May 25, 2018 · It seems that the groovy dev team has identified the lack of configurability as well since the upcoming 2. def pattern = "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss. You have to change that to Date. Oct 14, 2015 · The formatter variable creates a DateTimeFormatter with the desired format and timezone. Caught: java. format(date) In case you are using JRE 8+ you can use LocalDateTime: import java. 0 version of groovy now has a new JsonGenerator class with which you can do the following: import groovy. You may want to also specify a time zone by passing a second argument with a DateTimeZone instance. Date which of course does not have the parse method. now(). Date instead and it will work. Oct 24, 2022 · Processing zoned date and times. time classes. parse(String format, String input) method is available since version 1. metaClass {. Do not conflate the string object with the date-time object. * @param format. com. (As such, new Date() + 1 will get you the date in 24 hours) . Don't get into a situation where you have to interpret data you don't know the meaning of. You can formast the date in any way you want in Groovy, by doing e. toTimestamp() where the take(17) is there to discard any trailing zeros not included in the date pattern Sep 28, 2015 · You may spend most of your time to convert dates from one format to another one. Only the date time string format is explicitly specified to be supported. Clears the time portion of this Calendar instance; useful utility where it makes sense to compare month/day/year only portions of a Calendar. plus { Duration d ->. Set the date format in the default value for dateFormat, for example "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'". Aaron Scherbing. LocalTime instance. lang. JsonSlurper is a class that parses JSON text or reader content into Groovy data structures (objects) such as maps, lists and primitive types like Integer, Double, Boolean and String. Date object, which takes LocalDate as a parameter: return java. now() Which will output this: Tuesday, December 27, 2016, 09:00 PM (PST) To format the date for a certain format pattern and time zone, do the following: def formattedDate = aDate. Program output. This class defines new Groovy methods which appear on normal JDK Date/Time API (java. DateTimeFormatter String input = "2018-04-18 12:15:00. format. Joda-Time has built-in support for ISO 8601 formats, for both parsing and generating strings. I have tried to do this: String oldDate = '20150702'. LocalDateTime. Object cannot be cast to java. parse(String format, String input, TimeZone zone) . plus (long seconds) Returns an OffsetDateTime that is seconds seconds after this date/time. Calendar. 11). time) to represent a time-only value without date and without time zone. Instant class represents a moment on the timeline in UTC with a resolution of nanoseconds. Using pattern letters, such as uuuu-MMM-dd. created. Instead use LocalDate, DateTimeFormatterBuilder and DateTimeFormatter, all from java. parse('yyyy/MM/dd', '1973/07/09') Feb 23, 2023 · Creating Dates. getTimeZone ("UTC")) sdf. Return a string with new time zone time. (Note you don't need to create a new Date object, it's a static method) If you don't know in advance what format, you'll have to find a special parsing library for that. format("EEEE, MMMM dd, yyyy, hh:mm a '('zzz')'", TimeZone. creator. codehaus. // If we omit quotes in format string, the numeric (ex: +0000) timezone must be present in the input string. parse("yyyy-MMM-dd hh:mm:ss a", nowString) Which will output this for nowDate: Thu Oct 26 23:45:23 PDT 2017. Date Since: 2. Groovy date format for UTC with milliseconds. groovy', name: 'groovy-dateutil', version: '3. util. Consider following example: import java. For UIs, use date pickers. parse () Java program to convert a given string into ZonedDateTime instance. toString() method back to a Date. JsonSlurper. mm. // Date back into a new String. And search Stack Jun 7, 2021 · Suppose I have time zone Asia/Colombo I am converting a date 2021-06-08T00:00:00 to time zone of Asia/Colombo. // application on dates. In the above example, we first need to construct a SimpleDateFormat object by passing the pattern describing the date and time format. 8. ClassCastException: java. time classes use ISO 8691 formats by default when parsing/generating strings. JsonBuilder. Date now = new Date() Date oneHourAgo = new Date(now. timeZone = java. Date using Date#from. SimpleDateFormat is a concrete class for formatting and parsing dates in a locale-sensitive manner. The new date classes has a similar concept but uses the ZoneId, ZoneOffset, and ZonedDateTime classes (among others). 999123000" String format = 'yyyy-dd-MM-HH. Nov 7, 2014 · Both of these libraries offer a LocalTime class (Joda-Time, java. If you just need a time stamp from parsing your date string, you can use the groovy extension Date. Oct 23, 2022 · Here is some code in Java syntax as I’ve not yet learned Groovy. Do no worry about this because the script will input the mask that will be used. For example: def d = new Date (0) def tz = TimeZone. 2019-03-27T20:45:30+05:30[Asia/Calcutta] 2. Apply a number of methods to allow convenient Date/Time manipulation,such as: use (groovy. A library can help if many different formats are to be accommodated. * @return. ZonedDateTime import java. parse( 'yyyyMMdd', oldDate ) String currentDate = date. plus(14); // Now you can filter out any employees with a start-date before that later data, all in your example xmlData. parse ("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'", dateString) // Important: the quotes around Z help parse Z as literal in input string (represents UTC). ofPattern(timeColonPattern); Sep 23, 2022 · Java and Groovy both offer a wide range of options for creating, parsing, converting, and comparing date objects, which helps to address a number of use cases. Sep 7, 2016 · 63. Feb 28, 2019 · If you want to do that, you can: import java. fields. The Joda-Time project, now in maintenance mode, advises migration to the java. Share Feb 15, 2020 · I have a job to push some values to consul based on user parameters and 2 values are generated when the pipeline is run like shutdown_date and termination_date: def now, shutdown_date, termination Mar 17, 2024 · SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat ( "dd-MMM-yyyy", Locale. 4 we can parse the output of the Date. valueOf(dateToConvert); As we can see, it is effortless and intuitive. parse("yyyy-M-d H:m:s:S", '2012-11-13 14:00:00:000') The problem is that it does a timezone conversion, which results in: Tue Nov 13 14:00:00 (where «version» is the same as the version of Groovy you're using) The reason for it's removal is that there are new (much better) Date Time classes in the java. This can be used to print a date/time for a particular timezone. Hot Network The time portion of the returned calendar is cleared and the time zone is the current system default. If your input string had colons it would follow standard ISO 8601 format. temporal. aw kv qo vv fx ii at bh wy cv